Friday, July 8, 2011

What We're Eating

Alex and I love to cook...but only when we want to. Some days we look forward to the prepping and executing of the most challenging recipe we can come up with, but some days we just don't have that motivation. We want delivery pizza! To keep ourselves from dialing the number of the local pizza joint a little too often we have a basic strategy that most weeks around here revolve around.

Weekends we go all out. We find challeging or interesting or particularly yummy looking recipes to try. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will most likely find us cooking up a storm. We'll make the three dinners, at least one great breakfast, a dessert, maybe a loaf of get the point. But during the week? Well, Monday is freezer day (unless there are leftovers!). Periodically, on the weekend of course!, we stock the freezer chest in the garage with easy week night dinners like lasagna or tikka masala sauce or soup. Many of the meals are vegetarian or light fare, but some are some nice hearty comfort type foods. Monday morning I reach in and away we go. Tuesday is soccer night for Alex. He doesn't like to eat much before his games so we generally fend for ourselves. I usually eat leftovers or a frozen pizza. (Did I mention I love pizza? I found a great natural one I love.) Wednesday we usually scratch our heads and come up with something from the pantry, and Thursday is grocery shopping day! Yeah! While there we usually pick up ingredients for something tried and true that doesn't take forever to make. Like last night when we trimmed our basil plants and made some quick and easy pesto and garlic bread.

I feel like this strategy allows us to not feel stressed out or burdened by cooking when we would just rather veg out and decompress on the sofa. We never "have" to cook dinner. When we cook, we do it because we want to- we preserve the enjoyment of it by not making it a chore. But at the same time- we are still eating great homemade dinners every night!

I can't wait to share some of what we are eating this weekend. Look forward to our adventures with a new smoker box for the grill and maybe some peach pie. :)

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