Monday, May 6, 2013

Strawberry Buttermilk Cake

We are still going strong with the strawberries over here so I thought I'd share this simple cake recipe with you.  It is a moist single layer cake without icing and it makes a great light summer dessert or a nice sweet breakfast pastry.

 Please excuse the camera phone picture!

I found this recipe on the blog Marzipan and the only thing I changed was to substitute chopped strawberries for the raspberries.  (PS, I've made this with raspberries too and it was just as amazing!)

Click on over for the full recipe and pictures that do this cake a lot more justice.  Enjoy!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Playful Friday

Here's how we've been playing this week!
(Every Friday I'm sharing a quick look at how my boys and I played together over the course of the week....because they really do want Mommy to play sometimes too.)

Monday - Alphabet Rice Box (I dumped the pieces of an alphabet puzzle into our sensory box with rice...the boys had a blast digging them all out to put the puzzle together!)

Tuesday - Bubble Bath Fun!

Sure we take baths all the time but this time we played together with our Cars (toys from the movie) instead of me relaxing with a book during the splash down.

Wednesday - Fingerpaint

Alex making his masterpiece by using an empty water bottle as a stamp

Thursday - Grilling in the new Playhouse

We decided to buy the boys' their large birthday gift a few (ahem 6) months early so they could enjoy it all summer!

I love that it is big enough for them to play together.  Aaron's cooking corn on the stove while Alex grills me a burger. :)

Friday - Playing with cars

Another daily occurrence around here, but one I don't usually join in on. (but need to more often!)  Today we raced cars down the ramp together as I got in touch with my more masculine side ;)

Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend!